Are you ready to return to wholeness, remember who you truly are, and release all that has held you back from joy and ease?
Have you been hearing more about Psychedelics and Entheogens? Have you been curious about how these can improve your mental health, your energy, and your creativity? Have you been curious if Plant Medicines can support your well-being and help you heal from past wounds and trauma?
There is a growing movement to find alternative ways of healing through nature. Many people are realizing how Western medicine and treatments are failing, while many people are having success and improvements with more holistic methods.
Why seek healing with Sacred Plant Medicines and Psychedelics?
There has been a growing buzz about psychedelics and their ability to release one from suffering and help people heal at a deeper level. There is truth to this and more studies can back up what Medicine Women, Medicine men, and Shamans have known for years. Plants have a wisdom and natural ability to heal us. Nature has given us everything we need to survive and thrive. Utilizing Sacred Medicines and Psychedelics can help us heal, when used in a therapeutic and intentional way. Different plant medicines work in different ways and can support a person’s physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual health.
These Sacred medicines, like Psilocybin, can go deep and heal the body at various layers and levels. These medicines can help us access past life wounds, suppressed emotions, and bring them to the surface to feel and release finally. Our bodies store so much trauma and our hearts often shut down as we go throughout life. Sacred Medicines can help you let go of internal suffering and restore a sense of peace and calm within.
Is working with a Psychedelic guide necessary? Are Psychedelics for everyone?
For your safety, the safety of others, and the safety of these medicines I do believe it is necessary at first to start with a guide. If you are wanting to heal and integrate the experience, so you don’t continue to carry the wounds, then I believe it is particularly helpful to work with a trained guide. Having a friend be a sitter may be the easiest solution, but they are not going to be able to help you ground and work through intense emotions or make sense of abstract experiences. I am a trained and intuitive guide to help assist you in this journey and support your greatest healing potential; To help ensure you get the most out of this experience and know true transformation.
Once you become comfortable and experienced with psychedelics and their effect on you, you can begin to work with them more on your own, but to do so at first can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. These medicines are sacred and not to be taken lightly. They are absolutely not for everyone. Factors that determine a person’s readiness will be discussed with you individually, but generally, certain mental health diagnosis and active drug use will exclude you from being a good candidate for this kind of healing. It is important to know your body chemistry and do your own research.
It is important to do your own research and also know your family history. A facilitator who has integrity will ask about your family’s mental health background and what medications you are currently taking. Certain mental health histories and medications can have disastrous effects when combined with the use of psychedelics. It is important to be aware of the shadow aspects of these medicines.
How do Psychedelics and Sacred Medicines help with anxiety, depression, and trauma to improve your life?
There are many different types of medicines out there and they each have different benefits and qualities. Many are heart openers and allow us to feel our suppressed emotions with more grace and release them as well. Some help boost creativity, help us feel more inspired, and work through creative blocks. Some can help heal trauma at a deep soul level that our human brains can hardly make sense of. Some medicines help us tap into parts of ourselves and rediscover wisdom we have hidden from ourselves. Many help us find relief from suffering but impact us in different ways and at different levels...Some help us more physically, while others help us more emotionally.
What plant medicine options are there and how will I know what is best for me?
Some psychedelics and entheogens are easier to get than others, and some are illegal. I am here to help you make choices that are right for you and hold space for processing and integrating your experiences. I can help you make sense of your psychedelic experiences and help you integrate as you bring the wisdom into other areas of your life. Doing your own personal research is an essential part of this process. You are the highest source of wisdom, and my goal is to help you know how to understand what you need.
I hold ceremonial space with specific medicines of the mycelium family and cannabis-assisted coaching in states where it is legal. There are other Sacred Medicines that may be beneficial to your healing, such as Bobinsana, Cacao, Passion Flower Extract, and more which are legal across the United States. We will discuss your unique goals and aims to decide what healing approach is best for you. I am here to help guide you through your inner trust and knowing.
Why is psychedelic integration so important when working with Sacred Medicines and Entheogens?
Integration helps us make sense of our medicine experiences and bring them together. Integration helps us incorporate the lessons and wisdom gained from a journey into life. This ensures we are actually healing and not repeating the patterns that created the wounds in the first place. Integration allows us to uncover symbolism or messages that weren’t initially clear, through deeper exploration and processing after the medicine experience has settled a bit.
What brought me to being a Sacred Medicine and Psychedelic guide?
I have experienced years of childhood trauma and have also spent years healing. Using plants to heal, along with lifestyle changes, is what ultimately made the biggest difference for me on my own journey. I have experienced a life of suffering, without the support of medications. I have also been on antidepressants and anxiety medication. Those options gave me different opportunities in my growth, but ultimately did not allow me to get past a certain point, which was necessary for me for my true purpose on this planet. Plant medicines have been a powerful part of my own life + the work I do with clients.
I am honored and grateful to be a guide and help you through your darkness in this way. Not everyone is capable of doing this work. I truly believe you must be called and I do not take it lightly that I have been.
Remember, Coaching is not therapy. In my role as a Sacred Medicine Guide, I do not provide mental health Counseling or treatment or address diagnosis at all. I do not condone or encourage illegal activities.