Spiritual Lens of Mental Health Challenges

Let's explore Western Medicine + Mental Health first... 

In the United States, and Western Medicine, when we think about anxiety and depression, we tend to think about chemical imbalances in the brain. Good Therapists, Psychiatrists, and Doctors will also consider how environmental factors are at play. These can by dynamics such as going through a divorce, growing up in a household with parents who were abusive, or health anxiety caused by the sickness of a parent. We tend to treat symptoms, as opposed to exploring and getting to the root of the “negative symptoms.” Western Medicine sees and treats parts of you.

There are benefits to some forms of Western healing, but the field leaves out a lot of important information necessary to healing. Over the years Western Medicine tends to prioritize prescription drug as the method of choice for treatment. While there are absolutely benefits to medication, and times when it is necessary, there are also other factors to consider, which I will explore further shortly. Prescription medications for anxiety and depression are meant to be utilized for 6 months – 2 years and then tapered off. After that it is important to give the brain time to learn how to produce those chemicals at that level on its own.

Our brains and bodies are self-healing, and they will also become dependent on something if we have it frequently enough, no matter what it is, even Tylenol. Often our environments and circumstances are behind our mental health struggles, and so when these situations change, so might our anxiety and depression clear up on its own. Western Medicine doesn’t take this wisdom into account and doctors will prescribe anti-depressants for decades. This makes them money and keeps people dependent on medications they potentially don’t need, which is unethical and lacks integrity.

How is a Spiritual framework for healing different?

Well, for one, it operates under the knowing that your body is a Divine being with a natural wisdom that flows through it. This wisdom is stored in your DNA. Every major function your body requires happens almost all on its own, without much actual thought on your part. Your heart beats on its own, you breath naturally without thinking much of it, your stomach receives and breaks down food, your body lets you know when it needs to use the bathroom, or go to sleep. There is a natural rhythm and wisdom that exists within you. A Spiritual lens understands this and heals from this place of trusting the body to restore itself when it is properly tended to and cared for. Spirituality looks at all of you, all parts and the whole.

A spiritual framework looks at the root causes of a person’s suffering, which can include a chemical or hormonal imbalance, a challenge in their environment, an acute or past trauma, but it can also understand much more deeply. Through the spiritual lens, we take into account a person’s past lives, their lineage and their past lives, and how those ancestors may be impacting us now. Our past lives will impact us in our present lives, as they are still very much a part of who we are. We are growing through lessons we didn’t learn in past lives and actively integrating them into today. The past is always present in this way and it is important for us to understand this when healing. 

As I mentioned, our Ancestors can also impact us. We can experience curses, which travel down the family line and impact us, even if the curse wasn’t directed at you. These are also aspects we have the power to heal, with the support of trained healers. Our loved ones can linger around us when they pass if they do so tragically or unexpectedly and have unprocessed experiences on the Earth plane. Sometimes these souls will stay near members of the family even if they have passed before living relatives were alive. This isn’t meant to scare or harm us, but simply because they feel lost and stuck and we feel like safety to them. However, their presence doesn’t help you and can potentially be a drain to you and your energy. We want to be able to help these lost souls be free and return to the Source of Love that we all come from and return to after these human lives. Freeing your stuck ancestors helps to free you and clear and wounding from the family line. 

What are other spiritual understandings of suffering?

With spiritual healing we also consider entities, or dark energies that may be lingering around us. When we experience hardships and traumas in life this leaves us energetically susceptible. When we are suffering, and with certain substance use, like alcohol, we unknowingly increase our chances of experiencing an entity or negative energy. Think of these like energetic parasites that can feed off your pain and try to keep you stuck there. Again, this information is not to scare you, but help you become more aware of aspects outside of yourself than can be impacting your mental health. So you can find more grace and compassion for yourself. 

So often my clients blame themselves for their struggles and challenges, not realizing what else is at play in their lives. Understanding this framework can help us get to deeper routes to clear the blockages and release you from suffering. Empaths tend to be more susceptible to entities and dark energies due to their sensitive and naturally loving hearts. 

Can you clear ghosts, entities, and dark energies yourself?

If you are experienced with these then it is possible to clear them on yourself. However, if these are new concepts to you, it is imperative to seek healing and treatment from a trusted practitioner. That is not to frighten you, but you will need support in clearing these. You cannot see them as well as someone who knows what to look and sense for. If you have been struggling with any one of these, it is likely you have become numb to it to some degree and truly don’t realize the impact it has been having on you. It is important to get help and have more light present in the space to clear anything that is not for your highest and greatest good. 

If you belief this is something you are struggling with, please reach out to me for support. Click here to learn more.

Sarah Lustig is a Licensed Therapist in Colorado and a Holistic and Spiritual Coach living in Asheville, North Carolina. She is the owner of a Nurtured Essence, a healing space, aimed at helping people overcome their fears and live with more purpose and lightness. She specializes in working with wounded healers, empaths, and lightworkers.


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