Therapeutic Cleaning and How it can Help You Find More Ease

 “Clutter is not just the stuff on the floor. It is anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.” --Peter Walsh


Consider these questions…

What have you been holding on to over the years that weighs you down?

What physically gets in the way of being your best self? 

What in your home holds you back or makes you sad? 

What do these questions bring up for you? We are coming up to spring and this week I want to talk about something that often gets overlooked in traditional mental health treatment.

What is therapeutic cleaning?

It is about cleaning with the intention of improving your mental health, releasing what no longer brings you joy, and letting go of ‘stuff’ that weighs you down. Spring is a good time to consider what in your life is ready to be released and let go. To go through different areas in your life and collect all that is not working, that doesn’t fit, that is old, that doesn’t serve your greatest good...It is a time for fresh ideas and new energy. This is done physically, by going through your items, but it also done metaphorically, by going through the mental clutter that has stored up from the years.

How does our environment impact mental health and our ability to feel good?

It is no secret that clutter causes us to feel more anxious. Our stress is impacted by the space we are in and what our environment is like. It is a natural progression of life to accumulate more stuff. As we age, we are gifted meaningful things, we are creating more memories and mark these occasions, and who we are changes and we rise to meet these new emerging selves.

When our spaces get overwhelmed with material things, we can start to feel more claustrophobic and our minds become overwhelmed too. We are not able to think as clearly. We can start to fall behind in organizing our spaces, especially with our busy lives, and many commitments taking up our time. This is normal and you are not alone. 

What different challenges might you face in Therapeutic Cleaning?

Many people have lost loved ones in the past year due to Covid-19. When someone we love passes away or there is separation for some reason, we can be left with their stuff, and not know what to do with it. It can feel overwhelming to go through. This means you may need support in cleaning and organizing because it involves going through a loved one’s items. This can be the case in a break up as well. You may want to work with a therapist or a friend to help you process your grief around the loss of a partner or loved one as you go through their possessions.  


A person can become flooded with memories that bring a wave of emotions. It can be an important healing step to go through the process of letting go and releasing the items that belonged to your loved one. To decide what to keep to be cherished or how to find a meaningful way to donate their items. I have personally experienced the loss of an important person in my life, and know firsthand how difficult it can be to face the task of going through their items, their lives really. It’s okay and normal to feel overwhelmed!

How can you get started with Therapeutic Cleaning?

In either of these circumstances, even just thinking about starting the task can be anxiety-provoking, let alone actually doing it. A person may feel a great deal of shame, feel weak, or want to avoid the topic. These are all very normal reactions to these unique challenges in our lives. Many people are overwhelmed with the amount of stuff they have. Set a timer for yourself if this is a task that gets overwhelming. Make a plan to work for an hour or two each weekend on different areas. Complete one area before moving on to another. Try to make cleaning and organizing fun, by playing your favorite music as you do. Dance and be silly.  

You may not want to hurt anyone by letting something go, especially if it was a gift, or fear what others may think of your decisions. Know that it is okay to let things go and give someone else a chance to share in an item and the comfort or joy it can bring. Healing and letting things go can be overwhelming, especially when we try to do it alone, so have a friend join you to help you make decisions or work through any emotions that come up.

What areas of life can Therapeutic Cleaning help with?

There has been a movement over the past few years for a simpler and more minimalistic lifestyle, but how to go about that can be frightening. Work on clearing out and organizing different areas of your life...Go through your wardrobe. Yes, that’s an obvious choice. Get rid of the clothes that don’t make you feel your best. Get rid of anything that doesn’t fit anymore or that is damaged. Get rid of anything from high school or from more than 5 years ago if that feels right for you. You are not that person anymore.  


Go through your bathroom and toiletry items and get rid of anything expired or that you no longer use. Go through things like nail polishes, jewelry, perfumes/colognes! Go through all storage closets and see what you are still storing. Go through your kitchen, go through tupperware. Go through your refrigerator and pantry to get rid of expired food items. Consider the flow of how things are set up in your kitchen. Does it actually work for you? 

Go through your pictures on your phone and in you icloud. You can organize photos and get rid of any you no longer want. Go through hard copies of photos too. Go through your social media and delete old posts that may make you sad, like posts or photos with or about exes. Go through holiday decorations and seasonal items. Go through art and/or hobby supplies and materials. Go through your wallet and/or purse. You can get rid of old furniture and really anything in your life that is not bringing you absolute peace and joy. Please let go of anything that is bringing you misery or that makes you feel bad or shame.

How to donate used items and say goodbye to the memories attached to them?

Once you are done going through everything, there are a few ways you can let it go. You can bag and box everything up and find places in your community to donate the items. There are places like ARC Thrift Store, Goodwill, and Salvation Army. There are also Homeless Shelters and shelters for women and children who are the victims of domestic abuse and they may be really appreciative of anything you can donate. Check what is available in your community. 

You can also create a little ceremony and burn items if it is safe to do so. You could burn old notebooks, photos, or artwork if it is cathartic. Consider how to dispose of things in a way that will honor you, the person who gave it to you, or the person the item belonged to. You can write your loved one a letter if it helps you say goodbye to their items. Vacuum/sweep your spaces, light candles, open windows and let fresh air in as you complete this cleansing process. 

Let this Spring be a time of letting go of all that no longer serves your greatest self. Let things go that are not for your highest good. Set yourself up for success by having a space and environment you can thrive in. Allow in all that brings you love, joy, peace, and ease.

If you would like support in releasing your past, learn more about Holistic sessions with me here.

Sarah Lustig is a Licensed Therapist in Colorado and a Holistic and Spiritual Coach living in Asheville, North Carolina. She is the owner of a Nurtured Essence, a healing center, aimed at helping people overcome their fears and live with more purpose and lightness. She specializes in working with wounded healers, empaths, and lightworkers.


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