Phases of the Goddess Journey: Maiden, Mother, Crone
Every woman goes on a journey throughout her life. A journey of maturation and coming into herself in new and wonderful ways. Different phases of our journey have different medicine and magic imbued in them. They have different lessons to learn and overcome. This is a journey of becoming a Goddess embodied in our human form. Of knowing our worth, our value, and the unique beauty we bring to Earth. This is a journey of knowing ourselves deeply and fully, and moving through the world from an authentic and empowered energy. A journey of becoming and unbecoming. A journey of remembering who we truly are…Daughters of the Divine. Powerful spiritual beings in human form. Made in the likeness of our great Creator.
What does it mean to be a Goddess?
A goddess is not some ancient mythical being! A goddess is an energy, a consciousness. Any woman can become her version of a Goddess when she taps into her unique beauty, talents, skills, passions, and brings these as medicine to herself, her community, and the world in her own special way. Being a Goddess is about knowing your innate power and owning your authenticity. It is about being proud to be who you are and knowing no other person is like you. There is magic in that knowing. A Goddess knows no other woman is her competition and that we are here to uplift and empower each other. A Goddess is not threatened by other women owning their power and innate gifts. She sees them as inspiration. A Goddess celebrates herself and other women. A goddess is a role model to others, just by being her wondrous self. A Goddess knows she is enough exactly as she is! She knows she doesn’t have to prove herself to anyone. She embraces her multidimensionality. She doesn’t shrink and takes up space as the Divine woman she is. She lives with purpose and a passion for her life and helping others. She is playful, graceful, radiant, and exudes a loving warmth.
Let’s explore the different phases of the Goddess journey…
Maiden: The Maiden phase of the Goddess journey is where all women begin. This occurs in our childhood and adolescent years. This is a youthful phase, where we are experimenting and exploring ourselves and our world with curiosity and openness. Where we experience many new people, places, and opportunities to grow and evolve and begin to learn about ourselves through these experiences. The Maiden is pure potential. She is figuring out who she is through all her interactions with others and the world around her. The Maiden is playful and light-hearted, not yet carrying great responsibilities. She is creative, more carefree, and more free-spirited, not yet held back by emotional baggage. She is figuring out how to express herself and carry herself in the world. This is a phase of learning through mistakes and allowing ourselves to take messy, imperfect actions. The challenge of the Maiden phase is being inexperienced and naïve to seeing the truth of what people and situations truly are. Sometimes the Maiden sees the world and people too much through rose-colored glasses, and not as they actually are. As a result, sometimes the lessons are painful. Another challenge during this time is trying to fit into wrong spaces for us that do not value us, and not feeling comfortable being “outsiders” or on our own. We can lack confidence to stand out and be on our own. The maiden represents the energy of youth and playfulness. The Maiden is associated with the season of Spring.
Mother: The Mother, or Queen, phase is when we really begin to come into ourselves as women. We are no longer young girls, unsure of ourselves, but beginning to gain confidence in who we are and what we bring to our relationships and the world around us. When we start to release the projections and judgements other people try to force on us. This is a phase of sexuality and learning about what brings us pleasure. It is a sensual time of life.
The Mother phase is not necessarily about becoming a mother to a child, though this is the time of life when women are having babies. All women go through the Mother phase, even if they remain child-free through their lives. This is a phase of learning how to mother yourself, to be the mother you needed growing up, if you didn’t have a loving and supportive mother. It is a time of learning to balance your needs with others, and to not get lost in our relationships. It’s about learning to stay true to ourselves and communicating what we need from our relationships to live in harmony. The challenge of this phase is having a lot of responsibility and having to work hard to build a life that is fulfilling. We can forget to have fun. There can also be a lot of loss of romantic relationships, friends, and dreams as we are rapidly growing and evolving and learning what we truly value and need to live happy, joyful lives. The Mother phase is associated with the seasons of Summer and Autumn.
Crone: The phase of the Crone is about being the wise Elder and passing all you have learned on to younger generations of women. It is a phase of being truly comfortable in your skin and fully making peace with your past. Processing any “regrets” and letting them go. It is a potent part of our journey where we come fully into the wisdom we have gained from all our experiences. We have better boundaries, we don’t stress over the minor things that used to feel major, we easily make more aligned choices for ourselves from a place of deep knowing. We take ourselves less seriously and are able to enjoy our lives with more ease. We can return to a state of playfulness, like we experienced in our Maiden phase, bringing back a lightheartedness we might not have had during the Mother phase. We care less about what others think of us. The Crone phase is about aging with grace and learning how to embrace the beauty of aging. The challenge of this phase is accepting certain limitations that come with aging and learning to move at a slower pace than we were able to during the Maiden and Mother phases of life. It is about accepting how life has changed and how we are changing too, beginning to wind down our journey, and not holding ourselves to standards we used to be able to easily achieve. The Crone is an energy connected to the season of Winter, of quiet, slow-living, and stillness.
No matter what age you are or what phase of your journey you are on, you can tap into the magic of each of these phases. We can always call upon our inner Maiden, our inner Mother, and our inner Crone. We can connect with the wisdom each of these parts carry to help us move through the world as the Goddess you are. Our past, present, and future are always available to us to help guide our journey and find the best, most aligned people and paths for us and our lives. This is a journey of embracing ourselves and our lives fully, whatever phase we are in. Learning to ride the waves and enjoy our lives, good and “bad” days. It’s about gaining trust in ourselves to overcome challenges and thrive. To surround ourselves with people we can grow with, and who love and support us through the different versions of us and phases of our lives.
Are you ready to live a more empowered and embodied life as the Goddess you were always meant to be? Are you reading to gain confidence, experience greater fulfillment, and live your purpose with a passion and joy for life? Let’s collaborate and make magic together in Private Golden Soul Sessions, apply here today!
Sarah Seraphina is a Spiritual Activator and Liberation Guide. She is the owner of Nurtured Essence, a healing space, aimed at helping women overcome their past patterns and fears, so they may thrive and live with more power, purpose, ease, and joy. She specializes in working with dreamers, healers, recovering empaths and “Damsels in Distress”, highly-sensitive women, light workers, shadow workers, and women with a sacred mission.