New Year Rituals

Was 2021 a rough year for you? 

A lot happened in the past year and I know many people are feeling burnout as an effect of all we experienced individually and collectively the past year. If this past year was challenging for you, know you are not alone! 

Each year has an energy and themes to it, again, both personally and collectively. Each year has hardships to it. Each year also has blessings and nuggets of wisdom. In my last blog I talked about how you can wrap up the year to reflect on what the lessons were and what you gained from 2021. In this post, we’re going to help set you up for a better year ahead! 

To help you create resources you can call on throughout the year to support you in finding clarity and coming back to your heart-center. So, let’s dive in! 

Rituals for Welcoming 2022 

Choose a Spirit Animal: It is helpful to pick an animal to symbolize the energy you would like to embody in each year. 2022 is the Chinese year of the Tiger. If this animal speaks to you, then this is a good choice, but truly you can pick any animal. Perhaps you pick a swan to represent having grace for yourself and others. Perhaps you feel called to an Otter, as a reminder to be playful and not take life too seriously. Maybe you choose an Eagle to help you soar and see things from new heights. Spend some time on this and really consider what kind of animal has the qualities you want to cultivate within yourself. Make sure to write your animal down and do some research about its symbolic qualities. You can buy yourself an object with this animal on it, like a shirt, a bracelet, or artwork to remind you throughout the year. 

Choose a Word: Pick a word to help you get through the year ahead. Like the animal above, this can help guide you when you feel overwhelmed, scared, stuck, or unsure how to proceed. Pick a word and then ask if everything aligns with this word. For example, perhaps your word is Peace, in each situation you get stuck, ask “what would bring me the most peace here?” Any words can apply to this. Some examples for words to pick are grace, forgiveness, release, honesty, confidence, joy...or perhaps you find your own word that is personal to you. Let this word be your guide, like a flashlight in the dark. When you feel lost, come back to this word. Trust that you are capable and find your way through. Spend some time journaling about this word and what it means to you. 

Buy + Nurture a Plant: Having a plant in our home is good for the quality of the air and for our mental and emotional health. Certain plants are especially good at purifying the air and can help us sleep better. Spend the year taking care of this plant the way you wish someone would take care of you. Practice caring for something tenderly. Having something to take care of, that is low maintenance, can help give us a sense of purpose and give us a reason to get out of bed if we are having a bad day. It can be a reminder of our own growth and the difference a year makes. Take a picture of the plant when you buy it and compare it to the end of the year. Consider how you and the plant changed throughout the past year when we get to that point.  

Invest In a New Item: If you read my last blog, you know I suggested that you clean out your closet and donate the items, which will mean you now have room in your closet for some new things. Consider an item you have maybe always wanted; Can you afford to invest in that item this year? If not, can you afford to invest in something like it or that represents an aspect of who you would like to be. For example, perhaps you’ve always wanted to own a motorcycle, but maybe you aren’t at a place to afford that yet. Can you get a motorcycle jacket that you can wear now to have for when you can afford to bring this dream to life? Perhaps you want to feel like a powerful entrepreneur now, what might represent that to you? A new watch? A bold pair of sunglasses? A pair of rainbow heels? Choose something that really represents who you are becoming. Spend time finding the right object for you. 

Take a Nourishing Bath: Water is a great way to cleanse and reset our energy. Taking a bath can help release stagnant energy to leave behind in 2021 and help you call in the energy of the intentions you chose for the upcoming year. Start by drawing a hot bath for yourself. You can add some fresh or dried flower petals, like roses or lavender. You can add a can of coconut milk for an extra luxurious experience. Light some white candles, to signify new beginnings. Spend some space in the bath thinking about your intentions for this next year and all that you would like to cultivate. Really feel into and visualize what those experiences ideally are. Taking a bath and creating this experience helps us feel safe and access a calm state to align with our ideal futures. 

Journal Intentions for 2022: After your bath, or its own, if you choose to skip that ritual, spend some quiet time writing about your intentions. Writing helps solidify our plans and the visuals we imagined. Spend time writing about how it would feel and how it could change your life to experience the ideal situations and future of your dreams. Seeing our own handwriting strengthens these thoughts. You can keep the writing you do near you throughout the year so you can continue to reflect on these intentions and how they are working out for you. 

What is the benefit of New Year Rituals? 

They help us have focus. It’s hard to go after what we want if we don’t know what that it. These kinds of rituals can help you establish what you want life to look and feel like. They can help bring fresh energy to you and your space. They can help you create a more positive and aligned life for yourself. Take the time to be intentional about what you want to create in life. We are in constant creation, so create what will bring you joy, peace, or whatever you value. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and these rituals bring you pleasure. Have fun with these! 

To learn more about holistic practices and working with me, click here.

Sarah Lustig is a Licensed Therapist in Colorado and a Holistic and Spiritual Coach living in Asheville, North Carolina. She is the owner of a Nurtured Essence, a healing space, aimed at helping people overcome their fears and live with more purpose and lightness. She specializes in working with wounded healers, empaths, and lightworkers.


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End of the Year Rituals