Living a Sacred Life: What it means + Why it is necessary for Healing our Society

In the current society we live, there is so much tension and stress. There is so much disconnection from ourselves and those around us. Living a Sacred life is the salve we need as a society to heal. 

We are so desperate for healing as a collective, as I explored in my previous journal post. We have never felt more lost, isolated, and afraid as a society. What we need is to return to a sacred way of life. 

What does it mean to live a Sacred Life? 

Living a sacred life can’t happen without slowing down and remembering. Let’s start with slowing down. We can’t tell what needs to happen until we slow down. We have become so used to running around as a society. We run from job to job, from relationship to relationship, from Tv show to tv show. We need to sllllllloooooowwwwwww doooooowwwwwnnn as a society and make time to take stock. Until we slow down, it is very hard to see what is broken and needs tending to. Living a sacred life is about slowing down enough to notice when something is ‘off’ within ourselves and tending to it the moment we notice. It is about being present and showing up for ourselves first and foremost. As we do this, it allows us to show up more fully for our loved ones and the world. By slowing down you can assess what you need in order to live a sacred life, because that is going to be different than what it looks like for me or anyone else, as we are all different and have different needs. 

The next step is remembering. We need to remember our dignity. We need to remember our integrity, our responsibility, and our ability to be compassionate to ourselves, to each other, and to our planet. We need to remember these on an individual and collective level. We have gotten away from the knowledge that we all have a RIGHT to exist on this earth. Your birth is proof of this. With being alive we have certain birthrights, which include the RIGHT to personal sovereignty. We have the right to use our bodies how we feel is good for us. We have a right to consent and our bodies being safe from harm. We have the right to a place to live. No one owns the earth. People own property that exists on the earth. We must remember we have a responsibility to the earth and each other and respect each other. 

Once we slow down and remember, we begin to live a sacred life....That is an aligned life. A life that honors you, the collective, and the Earth. Living a sacred life means appreciating all we have and being grateful for it. It means living in a way that honors the Earth and does not take from Earth in a way that causes harm to her or us. We live a sacred life by respecting each other and appreciating what makes us different and unique. It means loving, admiring, and valuing what makes us different from each other; what makes us individuals. It means being curious about each other’s way of life and not judging anyone for theirs. Living a sacred life means understanding that each person knows what is best for them and trusting that they will know what that is and don’t need our approval or advice. Living a sacred life means doing what is best and right for us, and also not worrying about how others will respond or react to us. 

So how do we actually live a Sacred Life? 

It starts by moving slowly and mindfully through our day and our lives. It means being thoughtful about what we put in our body, like the ingredients we eat and drink. It means choosing ingredients that are nourishing and supporting of our body's health. It means having access to quality food that is free of poisons and pesticides. It means having access to clean beauty products, like shampoo, facewash, and bodywash, that doesn’t have toxic chemicals, which harm our bodies. It means being aware of what makes our body and heart feel good, and moving towards those experiences. It means moving away from things that cause us unnecessary harm or suffering. 

It means appreciating the Earth for providing the food you eat, the ingredients for the drinks you have, for the materials in the clothes you wear, in your sheets, towels. It means appreciating all the people who create the things you need to survive...having gratitude for the people who pick your fruit and vegetables, who wash them, label them, stock them, the driver who transports them. Living a sacred life is treating the plumber as good as we have treated the athlete. Living a Sacred Life is about acknowledging how we are all connected. How we all have a sacred role here on earth that supports everyone else in their role. We each matter. We each have a right to a peaceful and loving existence. No one has the right to take this from us and choose our worth. We ALL have intrinsic worth. This is what we need to remember and live by each day. This is how we begin to honor ourselves and each other again. Remembering the sweetness and shortness of this human life. 

Why would you choose to live a Sacred Life? 

We choose to live this way because it is the true way. It is the way of kindness. It is the way of doing the least amount of harm to ourselves, others, and the Earth. It is the way of doing the best for ourselves and each other. It means living in a way that leaves the Earth better than we found it for future generations. It takes effort and intention to live this way, but it becomes easier the more we walk the path of the Sacred Life. Living this way requires us to live with an open heart and be good to our ‘neighbors.’ 

How can you start to live a Sacred life? 

Taking small steps today can look like slowing down with the cashier and asking about their day, and really caring how they respond. You can reach out to an previous mentor, boss, or teacher and let them know how they helped you. You can give an extra big tip the next time you go out to eat. You can have gratitude each day for all the people who make it possible for you to eat, so your body has the energy to do all you need it to. You can be grateful today for all the blessings you have, in spite of whatever challenges may also be present. 

Take a moment to slow down next time you go grocery shopping and really consider what you are putting in your body and the impact it may be having on you. Try to make choices from a place of love and compassion for yourself and your body. Spending time loving your body will help ease the war that may also exist within at times. 

Living a Sacred Life is the medicine we need to heal as a society. It is the heart salve we need for the deep wounds we carry. We can all commit to living this way in our corner of the world, and this is how we create ripples of change that are far and wide-reaching.

Together, we heal. 

I am so blessed and grateful for you. Thank you for taking the time to read my heart’s words to you. I wish you a truly wonderous day, filled with ease and magic. If you would like support to create sacred rhythms and routines in your life, click here to learn more about working with me.

Sarah Lustig is a Licensed Therapist in Colorado and a Holistic and Spiritual Coach living in Asheville, North Carolina. She is the owner of a Nurtured Essence, a healing space, aimed at helping people overcome their fears and live with more purpose and lightness. She specializes in working with wounded healers, empaths, and lightworkers.


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